Bestropin is from government legal factory under FDA,it is pharma grade hgh,all operation procedure is under the supervision of the government.
The quality of powder form Bestropin is the same with original gensci ,or better than ,both of their raws is the same source.
The Standards of Legit HGH (Bestropin) is 10IU(3.33mg)/Vial*10vials*kit in theory,The actual content is been added 10% per vial,,,it means the actual content is about 3.663mg/10IU(vial).
Our pharmaceutical factory obtain DRUG MANUFACTURING PERMIT from the government of China,we have rights to export to most countries.
For individuals,now we wholesale unbranded kit with unlabeled vials,bcs we are legit company and we only ship unlabeled overseas.
Several days ago, my biggest resellers from USA tested two kind of this legit hgh,the test passed in flying colors!!
Our legit hgh is unbranded kits with unlabeled vials,bcs we ever supply for lots of traders,they want to use our highest quality to build their own brands.
My biggest resellers from the USA take Bestropin as HOT-CAKE,he say many people are crazy for it after he post SERUM on the forums.